Spent the morning trying to get in some good photos for holiday cards for next year. I tried to get a good shot of the snow but nothing great happened. Nothing worth posting, lets just say there's a something or other load of it out there! And much more is expected. It's OK, I'm stocked up on the essentials. Chocolate and arts & crafts supplies. I really can't tell if any of the shots that I took this morning are any good at all. But then I never can tell right away. It's part of the process to leave them alone for awhile and do something else. At least I used my camera for a few hours. And heavily edited the results. I never think of this as work. And the instant gratification part of it. Let's just say, I'm weak right now. I need to develope my patience but the camera is spoiling me. I have these huge bags of yarns upstairs, I know how to needlepoint and weave tapestry.................. I need an artistic drill seargant. Or maybe just not to create in a vacumn. But then I'll crave solitude to work. Sound familiar?
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